Tuesday, March 10, 2009

No time...

I think one of the most difficult things to do is find time to write. Sure, I say to friends and anyone who asks that I write to unwind and relax... BUT to be honest sometimes its a real chore.

After eight to nine hours in front of a computer screen at work, twenty minutes in a car staring blanky at the road and the buttholes in front of me who got their licenses out of a Cracker Jack Box, and another 20 minutes of feeding animals and general tidying. There's really no motivation to sit down and be witty and creative. Even less after you throw in a forty five minute workout.

So that leaves your weekend... Does it? Does it really? For me the only time I have any time to do anything is on the weekend... Soooo, I get up at nine am, feed the herd, clean the litter boxes, feed myself, run out for some groceries, do any other shopping I need to do, go home, CLEAN the apartment 'cause the tornado has left her stuff all over the house, and then go and pick her up at work... Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all of those things for the most part, but it’s another full day. Then it time to cook dinner, clean the litters again, and spend an hour with my girlfriend AKA Tornado before curling up on the couch with a DVD (One of the four hundred or so in the collection). Throw in another workout and I'm sitting on the couch doing the head bob by ten thirty.

So when do you find time to write. Anytime... Anytime you have a minute and a moment of inspiration. I wrote an entire scene from a screenplay, I haven't officially started writing, in my head on the way into the office last week. I took some quick notes when I got in and punched it into Final Draft when I had a second.

Don't pressure yourself to consistently turn out pages. Chances are the pages your turning out won't be your best, and certainly won't make you feel like you've accomplished anything other than putting pen to paper, finger tip to keyboard. I found myself typing away in the quietness of my sleepy home one Saturday night. Not a soul was awake, the dull drone of the TV flickering the in background. The sound of Claudia (my 16 year old Maine Coon) snoring beside me on the couch. It was a good moment, and some good writing.


- G

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